General Information

Orabel Inc.

Address 7925 Ch Kingsley Suite 1211
Cote-St-Luc, H4W 1P5
Address type Registered Office Address
Address province Quebec
Corporation ID 9396217
Business number 809842768
Status Active
ACT Canada Business Corporations Act
Orabel Inc. is an active company which was registered under Canada Business Corporations Act with a corporation number 9396217 (business no 809842768). The incorporation was conducted on 2015-08-05. The company is based in Cote-St-Luc at 7925 Ch Kingsley, Suite 1211, H4W 1P5 in Quebec administrative division.
Additional corporations nearby include: Pepgoal Investment Ltd., Gatinoil Petrotech Ltd., Johnson & Gabriel Consulting Ltd., Gabriel&Vic Investment Ltd., Longyuan (Canada) Investors Immigration Ltd..
Company names
Name Effective date Type Current
ORABEL Inc. 08/05/2015 Corporate Name true
Fadhel Khalfallah
Fadhel Khalfallah
Patrick El Kareh

last updated: 2020-07-02

Company activities
Date Type Section
08/05/2015 Incorporation