General Information

Groupe Jh Gauthier Inc.

Address 584, Rue Ernest-Choquette
Mont-Saint-Hilaire, J3H 3Z6
Address type Registered Office Address
Address province Quebec
Corporation ID 9162852
Business number 814027181
Status Active
ACT Canada Business Corporations Act
Groupe Jh Gauthier Inc. is an active business registered under Canada Business Corporations Act with a corporation no 9162852 (business number 814027181). The incorporation was conducted on 2015-01-31. The company is headquartered in Mont-Saint-Hilaire at 584, Rue Ernest-Choquette, J3H 3Z6 in Quebec province.
Other businesses in the proximity are: 152468 Canada Inc., Gestion J. Halde Inc., Gestion Axcan Inc., 9621407 Canada Inc., Corporation De Capital Elco.
Company names
Name Effective date Type Current
GROUPE JH GAUTHIER INC. 01/31/2015 Corporate Name true
Jean-Hugues Gauthier

last updated: 2020-07-02

Company activities
Date Type Section
01/31/2015 Incorporation