General Information

Fertilys Inc.

Address 1950, Rue Maurice-Gauvin Bureau 103
Laval, H7S 1Z5
Address type Registered Office Address
Address province Quebec
Corporation ID 8351244
Business number 837559244
Status Active
ACT Canada Business Corporations Act
Fertilys Inc. is an active business which was registered under Canada Business Corporations Act with a corporation number 8351244 (business no 837559244). The incorporation was done on 2012-11-15. The company is headquartered in Laval at 1950, Rue Maurice-Gauvin, Bureau 103, H7S 1Z5 in Quebec province. As far as we managed to establish, the last annual meeting was held on 2016-12-05.
Additional businesses in the proximity include: Services Financiers Yuldrive Inc., Collection Orange Ice Cream Inc., Berletex Aero Design Inc., 9562559 Canada Inc., 9241795 Canada Inc..
Company names
Name Effective date Type Current
Fertilys Inc. 11/15/2012 Corporate Name true
Pierre Miron

last updated: 2020-07-02

Company activities
Date Type Section
11/15/2012 Incorporation
Company annual return
Meeting date Type of corporation Year of filing
12/05/2016 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2016
10/31/2015 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2015
11/28/2014 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2014