General Information

Tantan Info Corp.

Address 71 Hidden Trail
Toronto, M2R 3S5
Address type Registered Office Address
Address province Ontario
Corporation ID 7594437
Business number 803903459
Status Active
ACT Canada Business Corporations Act
Tantan Info Corp. is an active company registered under Canada Business Corporations Act with a corporation number 7594437 (business no 803903459). The incorporation was done on 2010-07-07. The company is located in Toronto at 71 Hidden Trail, M2R 3S5 in Ontario province. As far as we determined, the last annual meeting took place on 2017-07-02.
Other corporations in the proximity include: 10295604 Canada Ltd., Canadian Festivities and Special Events Corporation, 10200654 Canada Corp., Carefree Moving Inc., Becatrex Moving Services Inc..
Company names
Name Effective date Type Current
TANTAN INFO CORP. 07/07/2010 Corporate Name true
Geng Tan

last updated: 2020-07-02

Company activities
Date Type Section
07/07/2010 Incorporation
Company annual return
Meeting date Type of corporation Year of filing
07/02/2017 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2017
07/07/2015 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2016
07/02/2015 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2015