General Information

Hjf Sponsorship, Cause & Social Marketing Inc.

Address 174 Kingswood Road
Toronto, M4E 3N5
Address type Registered Office Address
Address province Ontario
Corporation ID 6383866
Business number 841614944
Status Active
ACT Canada Business Corporations Act
Hjf Sponsorship, Cause & Social Marketing Inc. is an active enterprise which was registered under Canada Business Corporations Act with a corporation number 6383866 (business no 841614944). The company is located in Toronto at 174 Kingswood Road, M4E 3N5 in Ontario administrative division. As far as we established, the last annual meeting was held on 2017-05-02.
Other enterprises nearby are: Stewart Specialty Risk Underwriting Ltd., Ron Christie Communications Inc., Bondi Solutions Inc., Locke Two Corp., Garmmi Inc..
Company names
Name Effective date Type Current
HJF Sponsorship, Cause & Social Marketing Inc. 05/01/2005 Corporate Name true
Calum Semple

last updated: 2020-07-02

Company annual return
Meeting date Type of corporation Year of filing
05/02/2017 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2017
05/02/2016 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2016
05/04/2015 Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders 2015